University to discuss identity, leadership, allyship at annual LGBTQ+ retreat this fall

June 01, 2021

Table with LGBTQ+ pins and materials.

Quinnipiac is committed to creating a strong LGBTQ+ community. As part of that mission, it is hosting is second annual leadership retreat this fall. 

The retreat, which is modeled after the university’s Student of Color Leadership Retreat, will explore identity, gender and sexuality, to continue to build support for the LGBTQ+ community and to explore leadership from an inclusive lens, across campus for each participant’s own personal growth, said Daymyen Layne, director of multicultural education and training. The Student of Color Leadership Retreat will host its fourth annual retreat this fall. 
This will be the second LGBTQ+ retreat, following the inaugural retreat last spring. 
“The largest takeaways from the LGBTQ+ Leadership Retreat were that students should know that they matter and belong here at Quinnipiac,” Layne said. “That they have faculty, staff and community members who are committed to their growth on campus — and beyond.” 
Among the topics discussed with the approximately 20 students and 5 staff members in attendance: Identity, intersectionality, leadership and allyship. 
The university will share more information, including when this fall’s retreat will be held, as it becomes available. 

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